MINISTRY Joins Forces With HEADCOUNT To Empower Young People With Right To Vote

March 26, 2018

For Al Jourgensen and MINISTRY, writing, recording and releasing their new album, "AmeriKKKant", is just one step in shining a bright light on the dangerous and unsustainable road our government is currently taking us down; the next step is to help empower young people with their constitutional right to vote.

"Voting is really important," said Jourgensen. "It allows every American citizen to have his voice heard, to put across your opinion on how the government should operate, it contributes to change. MINISTRY registered 50,000 people to vote for the 2008 election, and we want to help make a difference for this fall's election and for 2020. So, we've invited HeadCount to join us on our 'AmeriKKKant' tour."

At more than half of the U.S. tour dates, HeadCount will be on hand near the merch tables to talk to concertgoers about how voting can help make a real difference, and get them registered. Those interested are also invited to visit HeadCount's site where they can register to vote online.

Added Andy Bernstein, HeadCount's executive director: "HeadCount couldn't be more excited to host voter registration drives at MINISTRY shows this year and beyond. Voting is the cornerstone of democracy, and it's incredible to see Al use his platform to make a difference in our society."

For these North American dates, Jourgensen has assembled an impressive group of all-star musicians — MINISTRY stalwarts Sin Quirin and Cesar Soto on guitars, Tony Campos on bass, and keyboardist John Bechdel, along with guest vocalist Burton C. Bell (FEAR FACTORY) and live scratcher DJ Swamp (BECK, THE CRYSTAL METHOD). The band will present a brand new set list that will include more new songs from "AmeriKKKant", giant inflatable Trump chickens, video screens projecting images to complement the music, and a couple of Antifa soldiers.

Said Jourgensen: "Old friends, new music...Dream lineup, nightmare world. And a chance to make a real difference in the world. Get your ass to this show...this one will be memorable."

Tour dates:

Mar. 22 - House of Blues, Anaheim, CA **
Mar. 23 - Ventura Theatre, Ventura, CA
Mar. 24 - Brooklyn Bowl, Las Vegas, NV **
Mar. 26 - Ace of Spades, Sacramento, CA **
Mar. 28 - Roseland Theatre, Portland, OR **
Mar. 29 - Vogue Theatre, Vancouver, BC - Canada
Mar. 31 - Union Hall, Edmonton, AB - Canada
Apr. 01 - Palace Theatre, Calgary, AB - Canada
Apr. 03 - Wilma Theatre, Missoula, MT
Apr. 05 - Bourbon Theatre, Lincoln, NE
Apr. 07 - Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL **
Apr. 08 - Turner Hall Ballroom, Milwaukee, WI
Apr. 10 - Bogart's, Cincinnati, OH **
Apr. 11 - 20 Monroe Live, Grand Rapids, MI **
Apr. 12 - Egyptian Room, Indianapolis, IN **
Apr. 14 - Opera House, Toronto, ON - Canada
Apr. 15 - MTelus, Montreal, QC - Canada
Apr. 17 - Royale, Boston, MA **
Apr. 18 - Aura, Portland, ME **
Apr. 19 - Paramount Theatre, Huntington, NY
Apr. 21 - Wellmont Theatre, Montclair, NJ
Apr. 22 - Town Ballroom, Buffalo, NY
Apr. 23 - Rams Head Live, Baltimore, MD **
Apr. 25 - Center Stage, Atlanta, GA **
Apr. 26 - Hard Rock Live, Orlando, FL **
Apr. 28 - Levitation Festival, Austin, TX

** dates where HeadCount will be registering voters

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